So, we got a new sectional off craigslist that is real nice, so we decided to sell our hide-a-bed on craigslist. Well, after people saying ill come look and buy it, no one showed. So then yesterday afternoon a college kid from Springfield called me and said him and a few guys would come look at it, they showed up at like 9:15 at night. 3 of the 4 guys went and sat down on it and here is how I knew they wanted to buy it:
Guy 1 - "Dude this is soooo the drinkin' couch"
Guy 3 - "ooooooohhhhhhhh yeah"
Guy 2 - Thumbs up
OMG what a freakin funny moment!! So then i was torn because I was thinking about how much to sell it to them for. I was thinking before they came if they were guys that seemed serious into school I was gonna lower it, but after a 1/2 second I said heck no. They are the partiers and need to pay full price. OMG what a Daniel moment!!!
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