Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life of Jessica right now

So it has been been a rough few weeks here for me. As many of you have read, I had a knee reconstruction surgery a few weeks ago and then a whirlwind happened. After I got out of surgery I was fine, but a few hours later I crashed. I became unresponsive and had a really scary experience. All I remember is that I woke up not being able to breathe. As I was laying there drifting in and out of consciousness I remember hearing the nurses and doctors panicking and shaking me trying to wake me up and then I would go black again. I remember seeing my mom and my dad and then I saw Tom's great grandma (who are all dead) and got real scared. It was really bright (kind of like you hear in the stories about the bright light that you follow) and I would come back to hearing the nurses yelling. I kept doing this and it was really scary but then I felt the best thing in the world...Toms hand and heard his voice. I remember hearing him talking to the nurses and he was so calm. I have never heard him like that before. He talked to me and he helped me stay in reality. I truly think if he did not come when he did, I may not be here today blogging. It was the scariest feeling in the world to ever feel like that. So when I came around, I was in CCU on a ventilator to help me breathe and was able to communicate by squeezing Toms hand. It was real nice too because my great friend "T" was there and was a big comfort and support not only to me, but to Tom as well. I know I appreciated all she did for us too. I did get better and was able to finally get out of CCU and into a room where I was able to start moving around (walking to and from the bathroom) and starting to do Physical Therapy. After being in the hospital for almost a week I was finally released and got to go home. It was the best feeling in the world to be at home to see TJ and my puppies and kitties.
So I went to get my staples out of my knee and the incision looks real good. Ive got a couple scabs where the staples had blisters and when the staples came out they popped. Can I just say OUCH...taking out staples hurt!!!! I had 35 staples total. Grrrr.
So Tom had to leave back out and I have grandma Deb here to help me out and to help watch and care for TJ. I am doing PT 2 times a week (and yes they come to my house) and just trying to re coop. I am non weight baring on my leg which means I cant stand on it or drive or anything, but that's only until the end of February. I am able to do some, but get real frustrated because I want to do so much more!!!!
So my new dilemma is that grandma is going back to NY in 10 days and I am really really scared of being here by myself. I'm not sure what we are going to do, but we'll figure it out. I'll be OK.
Tom is in California right now going up to Oregon for tomorrow night. He took such good care of me when he was home and am real glad to have him in my life. I know that if he wasn't there when he was, I really don't think i would be here right now.
TJ has been off school all week. We had some major snow/sleet/ice come down and the roads have not been the best in the world. He is going stir crazy because he is not in a structured routine being off school. He has been a big help for me through all this. He is a real good kid.
So I am tired and am going to take a nap. I was able to get into the Tahoe and go to Walmart today to get a few things and it felt so good, but so tiring at the same time. I will keep you posted on how things are going. I just want you all to know that I love you all and am really glad to have you part of my life. I am so appreciative to all those that have been helpful to me. THANK YOU!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still at the hospital.

Well we are into day 5 of this nightmare and still at Cox South at least we are in a private room. Jess is doing alot better doctor says it may not be phnemonia but somthing with a bigger name that i cant even think about pronounceing. We are on a day by day thing now. We have no idea when she may be well enough to come home but i will not leave her side till we are home and i know shre is safe!!!!! She will have her laptop tommorrow and probably will update the blog herself this experience has changed me forever and i know that i love her more now than i ever did.... Well thats all for now will be an update tommarow either from her me or both of us....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

OMG What a few days.

Well as you all know Jess had surgery on 1/15/09 for knee reconstruction. Well fist let me tell you that that was a success but jess didn't do well at all in post op recovery she was in her room and asleep when she crashed. I got a call to get there asap and found out she was un responsive and not breathing well. She has been in CCU at Cox south for the last 3 days and is doing extremely well she should be in a regular room tomorrow. I have been at her side for as long as my body would let me stay awake and i have gone from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs. and now am so high due to the excellent day she had that i can't stop smiling. Well I'm fixing to go to bed and this is the first time i have had opportunity to blog hope this updates all and eliminates worry from no updates since surgery day.

Monday, January 12, 2009


So its the end of the weekend which is nice because TJ gets to go back to school, but it was a pretty productive and "fun" weekend. Saturday was chore day and punishment day for TJ but after that its was good. He went to walmart with grandma (a whole other story in itself which I'll tell of later) and after being there "forever" in his words they finally got home and he had bought me something special. I had a few days which have been pretty painful and was not having the best days and he felt bad and wanted to cheer me up. He bought me a lovely bracelet with the letter J on it (stands for Jessica...LOL). It was so adorable and I was so thrilled he thought of me like that. It is so nice to see that a little love can do wonders for a child no matter what kind of past they lived in. So after dinner, me and TJ worked on a BIG PROJECT!!! We had bought a corner desk before thanksgiving and had not gotten it up yet. With TJ doing most of the work (which I must say he is VERY good at). We got it up 99% of the way. We only have a couple cosmetic things to take care of, but it looks great! Today I spent alot of the day in the office getting things set up and functional on the new desk and make it look neat. He had alot of fun playing with his toys today and riding his bike. I love how he is old enough that he really can entertain himself at times when you need it.
So tonight I was on the computer and I got to talk to a few good friends. It was nice to see how they are doing and everything. I miss them very much!! It was even cooler when I got to talk to Mama H. She is my BEST friend in the whole worlds mom and I have known her since I was VERY little. After my mom died, she really helped me keep together and strong during some real important times and was there even when I couldnt keep together and strong any longer. She has been a major support in my life and she will NEVER know how important she is to me. She has also always been there for my family (especially my sister) when they needed her too. Im so thrilled that she can still stay in our lives even though we are so far away!!!!
So I gotta get going for now. My cat just made a nasty "mess" in grandmas room. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. Will update later.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life on the road

Well been busy and after 2 days in the truck at the yard we finally got a load to cali first time to cali in a while we delivered today and immediately picked up another load going to Oak Creek, WI we deliver on fri at 0800 truck and APU have been behaving nicely we finally have a new seat back and replaced the mirror on the hood spent almost $600 bucks at the parts room but finally got the old girl back in shape just wish i could get the fuel millage back up. Willie (my co-driver) is doing great and life is fine in 2009!!!! Ya'll be safe and have a great day!


Hey everyone! So yeah i know its been awhile but wow has lots been going on. Last time we updated Tom was in Oregon with a broken truck and playing in the snow. Well since then, he was able to get back on the road and kept trucking (without TOOOO much difficulties) until Christmas Eve. He got in late afternoon and was here to relax and enjoy Christmas Eve with us. Bud got in also the day before so we were all together for the holiday. So Christmas was good. We had TJ, Bud, Deb, Tom and me here for the holiday which was real nice. This was our first real Christmas as a family here at home. We were able to stay in and didnt have to go anywhere. We were lucky to have Bud and Deb provide the dinner which was one less thing to worry about. It was soooo yummy. So then, the next night was the company christmas party for my husband and Bud's work and we got all dressed up and had fun going there. There was alot of people and it was pretty fun. I think they might have gotten the hint that once the band started singing and everyone left that the band was not the best. I was the Designated Driver so they all got feeling pretty happy drinking. It was fun as heck watching it all. We had a great time and got to share the evening with some of our friends we dont get to see very often. When we were done there, TJ was still at our friends and was spending the night, so it was nice not having to worry about picking him up until the next day.
So I was suppose to have surgery having a total knee reconstruction on December 29th, however that morning the Doctor called and said that my sugar was a little too high (which it wasnt really) and he decided that he wanted to get another xray done to make sure im properly aligned from my hip to my ankle otherwise the knee reconstruction would most likely be a failure. So after getting the xray done and getting my family doctor to sign off on my sugar levels (which she is monitoring closely), we had to wait ALL week to know when we could do the surgery. If i wasnt aligned properly, I would have to have it done in 2 stages which is not wanted. ANYWAYS....friday I got the good news that we were a go on the surgery and the scheduler would talk to me monday about getting it scheduled. WOOOHOOOO!!!!! My new surgery date is set for January 15, 2009. Im so excited because this will be the start of making life better for me. I hopefully will be able to do things better and be able to live my life to the fullest with a better outcome and quality.
So new years eve was good spending time with my family and rang in the new year feeling pretty good. Tom is back on the road and i miss him very much but things are needing to be done for the sake of the family. I love him sooo much and no matter what he things sometimes I appreciate everything he does for us. I know that he cant wait to come off the truck and I really look forward to that day! So I am going to go to bed for now. I have had alot of pain the last couple days to the point where most of my days have been in bed. I hate feeling like this but its part of my life right now. Hopefully after the surgery is done then it wont be like this. So everyone take care and be safe. Remember we love you! Make sure to leave comments so we know who all is out there reading. Thanks!!

OHHHH YEAHHHHH....I forgot to tell you the worst part of having my surgery on January 15th. I WONT BE ABLE TO GO TO MY BRAD PAISLEY CONCERT WITH MY HUSBAND!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh well though. I would rather get better than to have the fun. :-( :-( :-(